Influence of cilostazol on the course of reparative processes for patients with diabetic trophic ulcers of lower limbs




trophic ulcers, diabetic, lectins, cilostazol.


The aim of the work: an analysis of motion of reparative processes for patients with diabetic ulcers of feet at application of standard treatment regimen and at addition of it with cilostazol.

Materials and Methods. 60 patients with diabetic trophic ulcers were selected for the research and they were divided into two groups, the one group took cilostazol in the dose of 100 mg two times a day. Lectins research was executed, for its realization collection of tissues was implemented from wounds before and after two and four weeks of treatment. The set of lectins included: Con A – specific to DMan, HPA – to NAcDGal, PNA – to βDGal, LABA – to αLFuc, SBA – to NAcDGal, WGA – to NAcDGlc.

Results and Discussion. Activation of regenerator processes has been already watched on the 14th day of treatment in the group with application of cilostazol. The appearance of carbohydrate determinant in the endothelia of newly formed vessels is the evidence of it, while there were not such expressed displays of regeneration at most preparations of patients from the control group. After 28 days of treatment the growth of expression of carbohydrate determinant in the germinative layer of epidermis, local strengthening of level of exhibiting of specific membrane glycoproteins on collogen fibres were observed in fabrics from the wounds of patients of the second group, that we consider as a statement of reconstruction in the bunches of collogen fibres.

Author Biography

I. R. Terletskyi, Львівська обласна клінічна лікарня

хірургічне відділення №1, лікар-хірург


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How to Cite

Terletskyi, I. R. (2018). Influence of cilostazol on the course of reparative processes for patients with diabetic trophic ulcers of lower limbs. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 78–83.

