
  • N. A. Vаsylievа MDS, Professor of the Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, Skin and Venereal Illnesses Department of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • V. O. Каchоr PhD, Associate Professor of the Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, Skin and Venereal Illnesses Department of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • O. L. Іvаkhіv PhD, Associate Professor of the Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, Skin and Venereal Illnesses Department of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • S. V. Snіtsаrеnkо MDS, Ternopil State Emergency Hospital




botulism, ophthalmoplegic syndrome, diagnostics, treatment.


The aim of the work – to describe the case of atypical botulism (type B) with dissociation of ophthalmoplegic syndrome: presence of moderate ptosis, diplopia, mydriasis, anisocoria, disturbance of accommodation, but the patient read and wrote. Presence of fever and herpes labialis made the diagnosis more difficulty. There was a rare complication – lethargic tetraparesis, dysmetabolic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, which lasted more than 2 months. The diagnosis is confirmed by a biological test. A review of literature on epidemiology, clinic and modern treatment of botulism in the world and in Ukraine was done.

Conclusions. In Ukraine there was an unfavorable situation with regard to botulism, which dictates the need for the immediate introduction of strict state sanitary supervision on the production and sale of food products.

Modern botulism is characterized by a polymorphism of clinical manifestations, but a number of even the most characteristic symptoms may not be noted.

In questionable cases, even with a unclear epidemiological history and an unusual clinical picture, a focused survey on botulism and specific treatment is shown. Antibotulinum serum should be administered as soon as possible, which significantly reduces posibility of fatal cases development and complications.


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How to Cite

Vаsylievа N. A., Каchоr V. O., Іvаkhіv O. L., & Snіtsаrеnkо S. V. (2018). DIFFICULTIES IN BOTULISM DIAGNOSING. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (1), 68–73. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2727.2018.1.8682



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