
  • O. V. Horishna MDS, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Research Department (Preventive Medicine) of the Research Institute of Military Medicine Problems of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
  • Yu. M. Deputat PhD, Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of the Institute for Scientific Work-Head of the Research Department (Preventive Medicine) of the Research Institute of Military Medicine Problems of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Colonel of the Medical Service;
  • O. M. Ivanko MDS, Associate Professor of the Department of Military-Prophylactic Medicine of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Colonel of the Medical Service;
  • A. A. Kozhokaru MDS, Professor, Head of the Department of Military-Prophylactic Medicine of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Colonel of the Medical Service;
  • V. A. Barkevych PhD, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Head of the Department of Military-Prophylactic Medicine of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
  • V. V. Narozhov MDS, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Research Department of Scientific Support for the Establishment and Modernization of Medical Equipment of the Research Institute of Military Medicine Problems of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;



medical waste, field conditions, incinerator.


The aim of the work – to identify disposal ways of medical waste in the field under the current legal framework.

In the field, the most urgent, numerically and hazardous waste group, which requires a priority solution, is Group B waste – infected and potentially infected waste that was in contact with the biological environment of the infected material.

Conclusion. Based on the provisions, requirements and recommendations of normative legal acts, analysis of scientific literature, we recommend:

1. In field conditions, during the conduct of combat operations, only stages of the collection, sorting and marking of medical waste in appropriate capacities and their subsequent evacuation beyond the limits of the operational zone are really possible.

2. When collecting, sorting and marking medical waste, the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 08.06.2015 № 325 «On Approval of State Sanitary-Anti-Epidemiological Regulations and Norms on the Treatment of Medical Waste» shall be followed.

3. The medical waste should be transported to the disposal sites – mobile and hospital hospitals, which must be equipped with mobile or stationary inertia (in their absence, to conclude contracts with institutions having appropriate facilities for the safe disposal of medical waste).

These recommendations for the utilization of medical waste in field conditions during combat operations meet the requirements of international, domestic legislation and NATO standards.


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How to Cite

Horishna, O. V., Deputat, Y. M., Ivanko, O. M., Kozhokaru, A. A., Barkevych, V. A., & Narozhov, V. V. (2018). PROBLEM OF UTILIZATION OF MEDICAL WASTE IN FIELD CONDITIONS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (1), 40–45.



Original investigations