
  • Yu. I. Feshchenko State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • N. A. Lytvynenko State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • H. O. Varytska State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • O. P. Chobotar State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • M. V. Pohrebna State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • Yu. O. Senko State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • V. V. Davydenko State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • L. V. Shcherbakova State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • N. Hrankina State Establishment «F. Yanovskyi National Institute of Phthi­sio­logy and Pulmonology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»



multidrug resistant tuberculosis, tuberculosis with extensively drug resistance, treatment efficacy, short antimycobacterial regimen, linzolid.


The Aim of work. Study the effectiveness of treatment among patients with multidrug resistant and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis using standard approaches for conventional antimycobacterial therapy and to present the first results of the efficacy of adapted to the Ukrainian conditions, short 12-month anti­myco­bacterial therapy with the inclusion of linzolid.

Materials and methods. In general, the design of the work included several types of researches. In a retrospective cohort study the efficacy of treatment among 1038 patients with MDR TB and XDR TB was studied over the period from 2006 to 2015. In a prospective clinical case-control study the effectiveness of the short 12-month antimycobacterial regimens among 150 patients with new MDR TB cases, including those with fluoroquinolone or aminoglycoside / polypeptide resistance over the period from 2015 to 2016 was inquired. The abbreviated 12-month regimens of AMBT for patients with MRTB and pre-RRTB included at least 6 effective PTPs: pyrazinamide, kanamyсin / capreomycin, levofloxacin / moxifloxacin, protionamid, cycloserine, linezolid and high doses of isoniazid.


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How to Cite

Feshchenko, Y. I., Lytvynenko, N. A., Varytska, H. O., Chobotar, O. P., Pohrebna, M. V., Senko, Y. O., … Hrankina, N. (2017). PROSPECTS FOR IMPROVING THE TREATMENT EFFICACY FOR PATIENTS WITH MULTIDRUG RESISTANT TUBERCULOSIS: GLOBAL TRENDS AND NATIONAL ADVANCES. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (4), 10–21.



Original investigations