
  • T. R. Kolotylo Bukovinian State Mediсal University



HIV-infection, tuberculosis, immunopathogenesis


The aim of the study – to assess the immunopathogenesis of HIV-infection and tuberculosis (TB) based on recent world research.

The basic immunopathogenetic mechanisms of development and progression of HIV-infection and tuberculosis are presented, as well as ways of strengthening the effect of their combined action are explained. The number and functionality of CD4+ T-lymphocytes is reduced with the progression of HIV-infection. The synthesis of lymphocytes increases and humoral immunity is activated compensatory in the bone marrow. Chronic diseases or infections cause depletion of compensatory mechanisms, resulting in a gradual decrease in the number of lymphocytes, cellular immunity is disturbed even more, and the disturbance of B-lymphocytes function leads to changes of humoral immune response also.

The addition of intercurrent illnesses in HIV-infected patients depends on the state of cellular and humoral immunity, the level of CD4+ T-lymphocytes, the reduction of which to 300 cells/ml of blood is a determining factor in the attachment of secondary pathology.

The growth of the affection of the immune system eventually leads to the development of opportunistic infections. Under these conditions, the immune system can not restrain the persistence of mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT), which leads to the development of clinical forms of TB. The significant damage and decrease in the number of CD4+ T-lymphocytes in patients with combined HIV/TB infection is accompanied by significant weakening of the activity of alveolar macrophages, enhanced reproduction in the lungs of MBT, which contributes to their dissemination.

Author Biography

T. R. Kolotylo, Bukovinian State Mediсal University

assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Bukovinian State Medical University


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How to Cite

Kolotylo, T. R. (2019). THE MODERN VIEW ON IMMUNOPATHOGENESIS OF HIV-INFECTION AND TUBERCULOSIS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (2), 58–65.



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