Long-term results of arthroplasty and endoprosthetic replacement of the elbow joint in patients with severe posttraumatic consequences


  • O. S. Strafun Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine






The aim of the work: comparison of functional results obtained from interposition arthroplasty and endoprosthetics replacement of the elbow in patients with the consequences of injuries of the elbow joint.

Materials and methods. 53 patients with severe consequences of elbow joint injuries were operated and followed up. The patients were divided into two groups. The group 1 – 39 patients (73.58 %) were treated with interposition arthroplasty (12 patients) and modeling resection arthroplasty with elbow joint arthrolysis without interposition materials usage (27 patients). The 2 group included 14 patients (26.42 %) after endoprosthetics replacement of the elbow joint, were examined in the 2 to 9 years after the operation.

Results and Discussions After analyzing our results, the following conclusions were made: interposition and resection arthroplasty are effective means/instruments to recover movements in the elbow joint, but in the long period follow up, functional results have tendency to decrease due to increasing pain syndrome and instability of the elbow. After interposition and resection arthroplasty of the elbow joint in patients with severe consequences of elbow injury, excellent and good results were obtained in 38.1 % of patients, satisfactory – in 47.62 % and unsatisfactory – in 14.28 % of patients. Endoprosthetics replacement of the elbow joint is the most effective mean of treating severe post-traumatic deformities and ankylosis of the elbow joint and allows to receive excellent and good treatment results in 85.72 % of cases. The optimal treatment of severe post-traumatic deformities and ankylosis of the elbow joint is the use of Semi-constrained prosthesis, which allows for early dosed active rehabilitation. The instability of the elbow joint, which was observed in all patients after interposition and resection arthroplasty, and the presence of residual flexion-extension contracture of the elbow joint, are preconditions for the rapid progression of the elbow osteoarthrosis.


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How to Cite

Strafun, O. S. (2019). Long-term results of arthroplasty and endoprosthetic replacement of the elbow joint in patients with severe posttraumatic consequences. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 56–61. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2019.1.9913

