Laparoscopic method of correction of bilateral inguinal hernia in children


  • V. M. Baibakov Дніпровський медичний інститут традиційної і нетрадиційної медицини, кафедра хірургії, Україна.



inguinal hernia, laparoscopy, children.


Two-sided inguinal hernia in children is about 30 % among the whole pathology of the unterminated inguinal process of the peritoneum and leads to disruption of all links of the drainage systems of the testicle in boys and the disorder of ovarian vascularization in girls. The consequence of a bilateral pathological process is a disorder of the regional blood flow of the inguinal region with a high risk of developing infertility in the future.
Surgical intervention with bilateral inguinal fungus in children, if it is performed from two sides by the traditional method, includes a complete intersection of the inguinal process of the peritoneum and causes damage of testicular vessels, cremasteric muscle, anastomoses between the testicular vessels and the inguinal process of the peritoneum in boys, which determines the high the probability of developing circulatory disorders of the testicle [6, 9, 10]. In girls, during bilateral traditional surgical intervention in the inguinal area traumatization of the round ligament of the uterus, ovary, uterine tube, vessels of the inguinal region is possible.

Author Biography

V. M. Baibakov, Дніпровський медичний інститут традиційної і нетрадиційної медицини, кафедра хірургії, Україна.

доктор медичних наук, професор кафедри хірургії ДМІ ТНМ

завідувач циклом дитячої хірургії ДМІ ТНМ, лікар дитячий хірург Вищої категорії КЗ ”ДСМКЦ матері і дитини ім. проф. М.Ф. Руднєва” ДОР”. моб. тел. (050) 91 98 547


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How to Cite

Baibakov, V. M. (2018). Laparoscopic method of correction of bilateral inguinal hernia in children. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 118–122.

