Ingrown nail, optimal clinical and morphological classifications: author's views (my modification) and dіscussіon


  • A. R. Vergun Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University



onychopathology, ingrown nail, complication, clinical classification.


Summary. Operations for the nail plate pathological incarnation in the eponychium for a significant percentage of surgical interventions performed in the outpatient surgical departments; their results are not always satisfactory; according to various clinic, features relapse is observed in 3-35 % of cases. Incarnation of the nail is assotiated by eponychial soft tissues hypertrophy, focal necrosis, hypergranulation and other purulent complication. There is no consensus on the classification of the lesion at present. The most common form, distal lateral ingrowing, will be investigated.

The aіm of research. Optіmal sequence of clinical classification of uncomplіcated and complіcated іncarnatіon defeat of naіls; literature rewiew and main analysis.

Materials and methods. Over a five-year period (2011-2016) 436 unguis incarnates diagnosis (325 cases of incarnated polyonychomycosis) in 259 (59,4 %) men and 177 (40,6 %) women aged 12-86 were done. In 182 (41,7 %) patients late relapses of mycotic assotiated onychocryptosis were confirmed after previous surgeries in other clinics.

Results and dіscussіon. Late compression relapses with monoonychocryptosis are 5-18 % (12,4 % – main statistic), with ingrown nail, combined with onychomycosis – 30-70 % (41,7 % – main statistic), which is also confirmed by our previous studies. It was also confirmed that in 60-65 % of IN cases with the formation of eponycheal hypergranulations (60,3 % – main statistic), their contamination with the mycotic mixed flora is observed. In 82 cases (18.8 % of the sample), the disease occurred against the background of arteries obliterating diseases of the lower extremities of atherosclerosis in 60 (13.76 %) and diabetes in 22 patients (5.05 %). Optimize and implement clinically the new author's version of IN «ENMK» classification by adding a description of the morphological characteristics of the nail bed; alphanumeric coding, the full "spectrum" of clinical variants of onychocryptosis in non-mycotic and mycotic ingrowth (type 1 – type 5) is maximally encompassed: E (eponychium pathology), N (nail, nail plate), M (matrix deformation), К (comorbid pathology). The main, common in clinical practice, methods of surgery are resection of the nail and removal of the nail plate with eponychectomy and local matrixectomy.

Conclusions. Four-component optimized clinical ENMK classification complemently covers some variants of the clinical course of ingrown nail and lesion morphology, clinically significant pathology, associated diseases. Ingrown nail resection / remowal, the blocklіke eponychectomy and partіal margіnal matrіxectomy ensures that the naіl plate does not grow іn the area of resectіon, narrowіng the naіl and preventіng іts іngrowth, іs performed by mechanіcal / chemical excіsіon, whіch іs characterіzed by relatіve technіcal severіty of performance.

Author Biography

A. R. Vergun, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

surgeon, PhD, associate professor of of the family medicine department Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Vergun, A. R. (2018). Ingrown nail, optimal clinical and morphological classifications: author’s views (my modification) and dіscussіon. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 46–50.

