Features of bacterial contamination of peritonameum and intestine in different stages of acute adhesive small bowel obstruction and its correction


  • A. Ye. Burak ДВНЗ «Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України»




acute gastrointestinal obstruction, bacterial translocation, nasogastro intestinal bougie.


The aim of the work: to find out the features of bacterial contamination of the peritoneum and intestine at different stages of acute articular small bowel obstruction and its correction.

Materials and Methods. 152 patients with acute articular small bowel obstruction were examined and underwent surgery. 58 (38.2 %) patients of them were at the stage of compensation and 94 (61.8 %) patients were at the stage of decompensation. In order to study the level of bacterial translocation, the bacteriologic test of excretion from drainages and nasogastrointestinal bougie (NGI) bougie were performed in the dynamics of treatment in the postoperative period.

Results and Discussion. Quantitative and qualitative composition of microflora of small intestine and peritoneal exudate under the influence of complex treatment with intestinal lavage using 0.9 % sodium chloride solution in combination with oxygen therapy and enteral nutrition solution “Peptaumen” in patients with acute articular small bowel obstruction at the stage of compensation and decom­pensation was studied. Lower colonization of the intestine and contamination of the abdominal cavity by E. coli, conditional pathogenic microorganisms was detected and also a more rapid recovery of the biocenosis of intestine in the application of the developed complex of measures allowed reducing the level of postoperative complications and mortality.


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How to Cite

Burak, A. Y. (2018). Features of bacterial contamination of peritonameum and intestine in different stages of acute adhesive small bowel obstruction and its correction. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 17–21. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2017.4.8058

