Personificated treatment of patients with the ovarian cancer


  • O. O. Kolesnik Національний інститут раку, м. Київ
  • A. I. Rybin Одеський національний медичний університет, м. Одеса



ovarian cancer, treatment, chemotherapy, resistance to platinum, disregulatory pathology.


The aim of the work: to improve the results of direct and long-term results of the epithelial ovarian cancer treatment by increasing the sensitivity of tumors to first-line chemotherapy.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 350 patients with ovarian cancer of III-IV stage, who underwent optimal, suboptimal or nonoptimal cytoreductive surgery. All the women were divided into two groups: group I (control group) – patients with ovarian cancer (n=50) received standard adjuvant first-line chemotherapy with platinum; group II – 300 patients who, on the basis of identified criteria sensitivity of ovarian cancer to chemotherapy by platinum drugs were divided into 3 subgroups depending on the expected impact of platinum: subgroup 1 (n=77) – patients with predictable platinum refractority, for whom treatment was started with second-line chemo­therapy; subgroup 2 (n=98) – patients with predictable resistance to platinum, for whom together with the standard adjuvant first-line chemotherapy by platinum drugs we used the correction of sanogenetic disorders and disregulatory pathology; subgroup 3 (n=125) – patients with prognosed sensitivity to platinum drugs, who underwent treatment with platinum according to the standards.

Results and Discussion. Comparative analysis of data for achievement the objective effect of stabilization and control of the disease showed that, in contrast to the first group, all patients of group II managed to achieve acceptable clinical results. Overall survival in the subgroup 2 of the group II increased to 33.1±1.4 months, and in the subgroup 3 – up to 36.8±1.9 months. This corresponds ranges 5.0–71.1 months and 3.0–73.3 months, respectively.

Author Biography

O. O. Kolesnik, Національний інститут раку, м. Київ



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How to Cite

Kolesnik, O. O., & Rybin, A. I. (2017). Personificated treatment of patients with the ovarian cancer. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2), 5–12.

