Paraduodenal (groove) pancreatitis. Terminology, etiopathogenesis, pathomorphology


  • M. Yu. Nychytaylo O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology
  • I. I. Bulyk O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology
  • L. R. Nazarko O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology
  • A. A. Horbunov O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology
  • A. V. Kolesnyk O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology



paraduodenal pancreatitis, chronic inflammation, pancreas.


Groove pancreatitis is a rare type of focal chronic pancreatitis, affecting ‘‘the groove ‘‘– the anatomical space between the dorsocranial part of the head pancreas, the duodenum, and the common bile duct. The following synonyms of groove pancreatitis are recognized in literature: cystic dystrophy of heterotopic pancreas, pancreatic hamartoma of duodenum, myoadenomatosis. The pathogenesis of paraduodenal pancreatitis remains controversial. It has been suggested to occur because of increasing viscosity of the pancreatic juices in the ductal system, which cause disturbance of outflow pancreatic juices, damage of pancreatic tissue and as result inflammation of surrounding structures. Groove pancreatitis can generate diagnostic challenges for clinicists and pathologists by imitating pancreatic carcinoma. A definitive diagnosis can be extraordinarily difficult, and an inability to distinguish groove pancreatitis from a primary duodenal, ampullary, or pancreatic malignancy often leads to surgery. This review will describe the etiology, pathophysiology and morphological changes of groove pancreatitis.

Author Biography

M. Yu. Nychytaylo, O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology



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How to Cite

Nychytaylo, M. Y., Bulyk, I. I., Nazarko, L. R., Horbunov, A. A., & Kolesnyk, A. V. (2017). Paraduodenal (groove) pancreatitis. Terminology, etiopathogenesis, pathomorphology. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2), 79–84.

