Analysis of patients’ survival after radical surgery for gastric cancer


  • A. A. Mashukov Odessa National Medical university Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary
  • O. V. Lukyanchuk Odessa National Medical university Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary
  • V. G. Dubinina Odessa National Medical university
  • A. A. Bilenko Odessa National Medical university
  • A. G. Lurin Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary
  • A. N. Zgura Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary
  • D. V. Ratzyborskiy Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary
  • V. E. Maksimovskyi Center of Reconstructive and Recovery Medicine
  • D. N. Osadchiy Center of Reconstructive and Recovery Medicine
  • S. V. Merlich Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary
  • I. V. Shilin Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary
  • S. N. Li Odessa Regional Oncological Dispensary



We consider the survival of patients with locally advanced stage of gastric cancer (GC), whom the various options of preventive lymph nodes dissections were performed. We compare the survival rates of patients depending on the staging criteria T and N (TNM-7). On the basis of the criteria “p” groups, where D2 lymph nodes dissections were effective and cumulative survival rates were increased T4aN0M0 IIB, T4aN1M0 IIIA stages, and where D2 were ineffective in terms of survival – T4aN2M0, T4bN0M0 and T4bN1M0 (all IIIB stage) group. D2 are more effective than D1 operations in the case of SE – invasion serosa up to the peritoneal cavity, but when SI – infiltration in the surrounding organs the D2 dissection did not give more positive results than D1.


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How to Cite

Mashukov, A. A., Lukyanchuk, O. V., Dubinina, V. G., Bilenko, A. A., Lurin, A. G., Zgura, A. N., … Li, S. N. (2017). Analysis of patients’ survival after radical surgery for gastric cancer. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4).



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