Life quality assessment in patients with acute pancreatitis after surgical treatment


  • V. V. Leonov Sumy State University
  • V. M. Chumakov Sumy State University
  • N. A. Maiura Sumy State University
  • O. O. Pererva Municipal Institution “Sumy City Clinical Hospital № 5”



Acute pancreatitis  is an actual problem of modern medicine, a variety of its manifestations is not only a problem for the patient, but also a hard task for the doctors of different specialities. After all, the disease not only requires all the efforts during the surgical treatment, but leaves behind such local and systemic changes that have a significant effect on somatic and mental aspects of human health. The aim of the investigation was to study the quality of  life of patients after surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis. The findings give a clear idea about the long term consequences of the disease, which can not be defined by laboratory or instrumental methods.


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How to Cite

Leonov, V. V., Chumakov, V. M., Maiura, N. A., & Pererva, O. O. (2017). Life quality assessment in patients with acute pancreatitis after surgical treatment. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4).

