Open and closed decompression methods of the small intestine in patients with acute obstruction of the digestive tract


  • V. V. Benedykt I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



Dysfunction of the digestive tract in patients with acute bowel obstruction is one of the main causes of poliorhan failure and adverse effects. Use of decompression of the small intestine is crucial in the treatment of this disease. The goal is to determine the effectiveness of different methods of decompression of the small bowel in patients with obstruction and identify indications for different methods of their use. A study of 122 patients with acute bowel obstruction and 30 inpatient medical records of deceased patients was conducted. In 67.21 % of cases used nasogastrointestinal intubation in 6.56 % of patients – TC-stage decompression during surgery. In 5 cases when performing relaparotomy there was established the inefficiency of closed antegrade decompression. A method for using open enterostomy intubation of the small intestine was offered. We defined indications for using open methods of decompression of the small intestine in patients with acute obstruction of the intestine.



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How to Cite

Benedykt, V. V. (2017). Open and closed decompression methods of the small intestine in patients with acute obstruction of the digestive tract. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4).

