Submicroscopic changes of the cornea during its simulated mechanical non-penetrating injury


  • S. M. SHMYR I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • N. V. OHINSKA I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



cornea, mechanical injury, electron microscopic studies


The aim of the work: to establish submicroscopic changes of the cornea under the conditions of inflicting mechanical non-penetrating trauma to the cornea.

Materials and Methods. The experiment was modeled on sexually mature chinchilla rabbits. The animals were divided into two research groups: the first – an intact group of animals, the second – animals with a simulated non-penetrating mechanical injury of the cornea. The rabbits of the second group were subjected to a concentric epithelial incision in the upper half of the cornea of both eyes under local anesthesia, within which the anterior epithelium was removed together with the upper layer of the corneal stroma with a disposable ophthalmic scalpel. Experimental animals were withdrawn from the experiment on 3, 7, 14 and 28 days. The collection of material for electron microscopic studies was carried out in accordance with the generally accepted methodology. Ultrathin sections made on an LKB 4801 A ultramicrotome were contrasted with uranium acetate and lead citrate according to the Reynolds method and studied in a TEM electron microscope at 125 K.

Results and Discussion. Submicroscopic studies showed that 3 days after the simulated mechanical non-penetrating injury of the cornea, polymorphism of the epitheliocytes of the anterior epithelium with varying degrees of alterative changes is observed. Defibrillation and fragmentation of collagen fibrils in the composition of the connective tissue plates were observed in the destructively changed corneal substance. After 7 days of the experiment, it was established that the epitheliocytes lost their layered arrangement in the peripheral areas, but moderately dystrophically altered organelles were found in the cytoplasm of the cells. The connective tissue plates of the corneal stroma are disorganized, areas of fragmentation of collagen fibers are revealed. 14 days after simulated corneal injury, epitheliocytes showed signs of destructive and regenerative processes. The formation of granulations is noted in the substance itself during this period of the experiment. 28 days after simulation of a mechanical non-penetrating corneal injury, it was established that the epitheliocytes of the multi-layered flat non-keratinized epithelium are arranged in a disorderly manner, the intercellular spaces are significantly expanded, and electron-illuminated. The cornea's own substance is subject to destructive and degenerative changes, manifested by significant fibrinization and fragmentation of collagen fibers.


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How to Cite

SHMYR, S. M., & OHINSKA, N. V. (2023). Submicroscopic changes of the cornea during its simulated mechanical non-penetrating injury. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 69–76.

