Species composition and level of peritoneal exudate contamination by microorganisms in conditions of acute blood loss complicated by limb ischemia-reperfusion


  • I. V. Strelbytska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • A. V. Pokryshko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • K. A. Pokhodun I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




small intestine, blood loss, ischemia-limb reperfusion, translocation of microflora


The aim of the study: to determine the species composition and level of contamination of peritoneal exudate with microorganisms in conditions of acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were performed on 96 nonlinear male rats weighing 180–200 g. All animals were divided into five groups: control and four research. In thiopental-sodium anesthesia in the first experimental group simulated limb ischemia-reperfusion, in the second – acute blood loss, in the third – these injuries were combined. After 1 and 2 hours, as well as after 1, 7 and 14 days under conditions of thiopental sodium anesthesia, the experimental animals were removed from the experiment by the method of total bloodletting from the heart. The material (peritoneal smear) was taken from the lateral parts of the abdominal cavity with a single use tampon by Eurotubo (Spain). The study of the available microflora was performed by conventional bacteriological method.

Results and Discussion. When modeling limb ischemia-reperfusion, acute blood loss and their combination, translocation of microorganisms takes place. It was the highest in the simulation of acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, the lowest – in the simulation of only ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, as evidenced by bacterial contamination of peritoneal exudate, incidence (Pi) and data on the persistence of enterobacteria in different groups. The peritoneal space of the Escherichia coli population was the first to be colonized at high concentrations, as evidenced by the high incidence of Pi for E. coli in all groups of experimental animals compared to other isolated microorganisms. Bacterial excretion rates were highest in animals with a combination of limb ischemia-reperfusion and acute blood loss. Increased intestinal wall permeability with translocation of intestinal microflora is a sensitive indicator of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome and acute blood loss, which should be taken into account when developing intensive care measures.


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How to Cite

Strelbytska, I. V., Pokryshko, A. V., & Pokhodun, K. A. (2021). Species composition and level of peritoneal exudate contamination by microorganisms in conditions of acute blood loss complicated by limb ischemia-reperfusion. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2), 53–58. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2021.2.12299

