Acute obstruction of the small intestine. Controversial and unresolved issues of the digestive decompression in the light of successes and failures of surgical treatment


  • I. Ya. Dziubanovskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. V. Benedykt I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. Ya. Danchak Department of Health and Medical Supply of Ternopil City Council
  • A. M. Prodan I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



acute small intestine obstruction, decompression methods


The aim of the work: to improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with acute obstruction of the small intestine (AOSI) by identifying indications for the implementation of various methods of decompression of the digestive canal and improving its known methods.

Materials and Methods. 221 patients with AOSI were examined, who were divided into four groups: 1 – (67 (30.32 %)) – operated patients without digestive canal decompression; 2 – (107 (48.42 %)) – operated patients with decompression of the digestive canal; 3 – (22 (9.95 %)) – operated patients who underwent resection of necrotized tissue area; 4 – (25 (11.31 %)) – patients operated using laparoscopic technologies. A retrospective analysis of 30 medical records of inpatient deceased patients with AOSI was also performed.

Results and Discussion. Retrospective analysis showed that the choice of inadequate method of decompression of the digestive canal was in 28 (93.34 %) patients. The comorbidity index was 5.5–6.07 and operative anesthesia risk for ASA (IV–V classes) was observed in 24 (80.01 %) cases. In 67 patients, obstruction was eliminated by dissecting adhesions and restoring the passage through the digestive canal. In 107 patients was performed nasogastrointestinal intubation. In 22 patients, obstruction was eliminated by resection of the SI area. Single-stage intraoperative decompression of SI in this subgroup of patients was performed in all patients. In 8 (36.36 %) patients the operation was completed with the imposition of terminal enterostomy ileostomy, in 9 patients primary entero-enteroanastomosis with laparostomy was formed. In 5 (22.73 %) patients the operation was completed with the formation of direct entero-enteroanastomosis. Minimally invasive interventions in the volume of laparoscopic adhesiotomy were performed in 25 cases in 1–2 stages of the disease, with compensated functional condition of patients in the absence of pronounced local changes and disorders of SI during surgery. In such cases, SI decompression was not performed.

Using the proposed algorithms using methods and techniques of decompression of SI allowed to accelerate the recovery of motor-evacuation function of the digestive canal after surgical treatment for 2–3 days, to reduce the time of inpatient treatment of patients by an average of 3–4 days.


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How to Cite

Dziubanovskyi, I. Y., Benedykt, V. V., Danchak, V. Y., & Prodan, A. M. (2020). Acute obstruction of the small intestine. Controversial and unresolved issues of the digestive decompression in the light of successes and failures of surgical treatment. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 130–136.

