MODERN STATE OF CREATION, PRODUCTION AND RESEARCH OF DRUGS. Notice 27. The main aspects of production drugs in the form of lozenges


  • O. I. Hordiienko Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • T. A. Нroshovyi Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil



lozenges, pastilles, technology, manufacturing, composition, quality control.


The aim of the work. Studing and summarizing literature data of advantages and disadvantages, classication, specics of manufacturing technology, quality control, packaging and storage of medical lozenges.

Materials and Methods. Literature review of dosage form – lozenges.

Results and Discussion. Lozenges – a solid unit medicines for sucking that are intended to dissolve or disintegrate slowly in the mouth. They contain one or more medicaments, usually in a  avoured, sweetened base. Lozenges can be classi ed according to the site of action which can either be local and systemic effects. According to texture and composition lozenges are shared on chewy, soft, pressed, hard candy and center  lled lozenges. After manufacturing lozenges under go quality control, namely the general checks candy base manufacturing, determining the moisture content, the ratio of sugar and corn syrup and percentage reducing sugars. Also physical and chemical testing of lozenges, microbiological research and test stability, are conducted.

Conclusions. Lozenges don’t lose its popularity as a dosage form, and are still in commercial production. This is explained a wide range of drugs that can be included in their formulation, pleasure and ease of administration, the use in pediatrics and geriatrics, economic and so on.

Author Biographies

O. I. Hordiienko, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

T. A. Нroshovyi, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil


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How to Cite

Hordiienko, O. I., & Нroshovyi T. A. (2017). MODERN STATE OF CREATION, PRODUCTION AND RESEARCH OF DRUGS. Notice 27. The main aspects of production drugs in the form of lozenges. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (1), 74–80.


