
  • A. S. Nemchenko National University of Pharmacy
  • Yu. Ye. Kurylenko National University of Pharmacy



cardiovascular diseases, pharmaceutical market, accessibility of medicines.


The aim of the work. Carrying out marketing research of the pharmaceutical market (FM) of medicines recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Materials and Methods. The study used the drugs that were included in the unified clinical protocol for the treatment of CVD under the international non-proprietary name (INN) and the registration of drug names under the trade names (TN). Methods of marketing analysis, analytical, comparative and generalization of information are used.

Results and Discussion. The results of a marketing study of the drug for treatment of CVD for 2013–2017 are presented. The average values of the drug price index, the liquidity of the price and the availability of МD, which are used in pharmacotherapy, are calculated CVD.

Conclusions. It has been established that a significant prevalence of preparations of foreign manufacture on FM over domestic 70.05 % to 29.95 %. The increase in prices for preparations of foreign manufacturers was 1.09 times and for domestic ones 1.06 times, used to treat CVD in2017 in comparison with 2013 for influenced the decrease in the availability of this category of MD for the population. In connection with this, the need for the development of domestic production and the introduction of import substitution programs, as well as the development of government programs for state regulation of prices, in particular, reference pricing, is acquiring ever greater socio-economic importance.

Author Biographies

A. S. Nemchenko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), head of the Organization and Economy of Pharmacy Department, National University of Pharmacy

Yu. Ye. Kurylenko, National University of Pharmacy

PhD student of the Organization and Economy of Pharmacy Department, National University of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Nemchenko, A. S., & Kurylenko, Y. Y. (2018). MARKETING RESEARCH OF PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET OF MEDICINES FOR TREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (2), 77–81.



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics