


pharmacy, extemporal manufacturing, assortment, width, depth, economic accessibility.


The aim of the work. Analysis of the extemporal recipe condition in domestic and foreign pharmacies and development on their basis recommendations oriented to preservation of extemporal manufacturing of medicines and increase their assortment.

Materials and Methods. General scientific and special methods have been used in this work: analytic and marketing investigations. Ministry of Health of Ukraine statistic materials and other organizations, domestic and foreign pharmacies web sites and publications served as an informational basis.

Results and Discussion. Central America experience showed that European pharmacies use widely extemporal manufacturing opportunities – in some countries manufacturing under the pharmacy conditions takes 20 % of all medicines sold by the recipe. Swedish pharmacies, for example, offer extemporal medicines for therapy in the following medicine spheres: oncology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, surgery, hematology, newborn nursing, infectious diseases, medicines for operations, intensive caring. We also manufacture medicines for chemotherapy, antibiotic solutions, parenteral nutrition, and medicines to reduce pain. Among the extemporal medicines assortment, pharmacies offer previously filled out injections, ambulant pumps and cassettes, which allow the staff to save half an hour of additional time for each medicine and avoid medical mistakes.

Ukrainian pharmacies extemporal recipe assortment is analyzed from the point of view of the extemporal medicines groups width, their depth and economic accessibility.

Conclusions. The analysis made by European countries as to the extemporal recipe use shows wide opportunities of manufacturing pharmacies abroad, a high level of their implication in the health protection system. It gives grounds to use domestic pharmacies for extemporal manufacturing as complete constituent for rational and accessible pharmacotherapy. Ukrainian pharmacies extemporal recipe assortment has been studied. The extemporal medicines assortment width in domestic pharmacies covers approximately 20 groups, the depth in each group of assortments amounts to average 210 positions. Medicines for treatment endocrinological and ophthalmological diseases are showed at the market the least. The biggest depth has medicines, which are used for treatment of otorhinolaryngologic diseases and cosmetics. All groups of medicines showed their sufficient economic accessibility – usually the price for medicine does not exceed half of one average salary of Ukrainian a day. Thus, pharmacies have a sufficient extemporal recipe assortment with accessible prices, and the other countries experience gives new ideas to renew the given activity sphere, will promote the expansion of the range of medicines, designed for different categories of population.

Author Biography

O. S. Samborskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph. D.), associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology, SHEE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»


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How to Cite

Samborskyi, O. S. (2018). INVESTIGATION OF THE OPPORTUNITIES OF MANUFACTURING PHARMACY IN UKRAINE AND ABROAD. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (1), 102–114.



Organization of pharmaceutical structures’ work