
  • I. O. Fedyak Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • Р. І. Fedyak Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University




co-infection with TB / HIV, medical card of a stationary patient form № 003/o, social indicators, socio-demographic characteristics of the individual, the reason for the patient’s discharge.


The aim of the work. Based on the analysis of the data of the hospital patient’s patient form No. 003/о, to determine and evaluate social indicators of co-infection TB / HIV in Ukraine.

Materials and Methods: 1.200 medical cards for inpatients with TB/HIV in the range of nosology “A15-A19 Tuberculosis” with HIV-infection, randomly selected from the archives of 12 regional anti-TB dispensaries (with the preservation of personal data of patients); sociological method of document analysis (formalized, content analysis).

Results and Discussion. The random of TB / HIV patients was 90.84 % related to the unemployed population, which needs constant social support. Because among all patients, there were only 49.34 % of the patients that completed the inpatient stage of treatment, which in average was 116±93 bed days; 25.25 % of patients were discharged for violation of the hospital regime (18 % – left the hospital by their own, 7.25 % violated other rules of remaining). As the highest proportion of working people with TB / HIV appeared in the areas of the highest HIV prevalence: Odesa region (17.14 %), Kyiv (14.81 %), Dnipropetrovsk region (13.6 %), Zaporizhzhia (13.33 % ), we can assume that HIV infection goes beyond the «risk groups».

Conclusions. Within the areas of socio-demographic analysis, patients with TB / HIV were: in 72.25±8.33 % male (the probability of being female was increasing in the areas of the highest HIV prevalence); in 94.41±2.32 % – at the age of 22–51 (54.83±8.1 % – 32–41 years); 66.39±11.41 % – lived in cities; 90.84±5.09 % – belonged to socially unprotected people of the society: there were unemployed persons of working age (69.17±8.97 %), disabled persons (19.92±10.71 %), pensioners (0.83±1.31 %), persons on maternity leave (0.67±0.99 %), students (0.25±0.56 %), including those without permanent residence (2.33±2.56 %), internally displaced (0.92±1.7 %), convicted (0.75±0.69 %). At the same time, the social indicators of TB / HIV related to the remain patients in anti-TB dispensaries depended primarily on the region of residence.

Author Biographies

I. O. Fedyak, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, PhD (PharmSc), Associate Professor of Organization and economics of pharmacy and drug technology Department, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Р. І. Fedyak, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

3rd year student of medical faculty, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University


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How to Cite

Fedyak, I. O., & Fedyak Р. І. (2017). АNALYSIS OF SOCIAL INDICATORS OF TB / HIV EPIDEMY IN UKRAINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4), 112–122. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2017.4.8407


