
  • I. V. Kubarieva National University of Pharmacy
  • N. V. Chmykhalo National University of Pharmacy
  • L. A. Karpenko National University of Pharmacy



pharmaceutical organizations, organizational culture, organizational culture diagnosis.


The aim of the work. Substantiating the choice of a method for diagnosing of the organizational culture of pharmaceutical organizations with its further use for analysis in pharmacy organizations in Kharkiv.

Materials and Methods. Analysis of works of domestic and foreign specialists in the management field with the help of general scientific methods, system and complex analysis; sociological research.

Results and Discussion. The article analyzes the existing organizational culture (OC) diagnosis methods, among which, for further research, Denison model or DOCS (Denison Organizational Culture Survey) method aimed at identifying the influence of organizational culture on the economic efficiency of the organization was chosen. Within the framework of the model on the pharmacy organizations basis in Kharkov, 12 indicators of OС were evaluated and the values of their indices were calculated.

Conclusions. The expediency of using the Denison model (DOCS) for analyzing the organizational culture of pharmaceutical organizations, which is easy to use, has information reliability concerning the state of OC and allows comparability of results in the study of several organizations was substantiated.

Author Biographies

I. V. Kubarieva, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, PhD (PharmSc), Head of the Social Pharmacy Department, National University of Pharmacy

N. V. Chmykhalo, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, PhD (PharmSc), Associate Professor of Social Pharmacy Department, National University of Pharmacy

L. A. Karpenko, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, PhD (PharmSc), Associate Professor of Social Pharmacy Department, National University of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Kubarieva, I. V., Chmykhalo, N. V., & Karpenko, L. A. (2017). THE SUBSTANTIATION OF DIAGNOSTIC METHODS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4), 75–81.



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics