
  • О. М. Goroshko Bukovina State Medical University
  • О. M. Korovenkova Bukovina State Medical University
  • А. О. Palamar Bukovina State Medical University
  • N. S. Bogdan Bukovina State Medical University
  • О. О. Rovinskyi Bukovina State Medical University
  • V. H. Zeleniuk Bukovina State Medical University
  • O. S. Shpychak National University of Pharmacy



pharmaceutical personnel, quality of education, introduction to pharmacy.


The aim of the work: to study of a familiarization process of the first-year pharmacy students with their future specialty at Ukrainian higher educational institution in comparison with similar study course at theUniversity ofBonn (Germany).

Materials and Methods. Regulatory framework that regulates educational process in Ukraine and Germany and analysis of the students’ training organization at pharmaceutical departments. The Pharmaceutical Faculty atUniversity ofBonn (Germany) was chosen for comparative analysis.

Results. It has been found that differences in disciplines, which provide a possibility to make Master Degree students acquaint with their future specialty, are insignificant with the main distinction in the prevalence of theoretical material, which can be explained by relatively early period of the establishment of pharmacy in Ukraine. However, the advantage in the Ukrainian students’ training is a practical training at an educational-compounding pharmacy, which contributes to the adaptation of upcoming graduates at the workplace.

Conclusion. The course “Introduction to Pharmacy” provides the familiarization of the first year students of the pharmaceutical universities of Ukraine with special aspects of pharmacy and is similar to the course «Arzneimittelformenlehre» in the European University of Bonn (Germany).

Author Biographies

О. М. Goroshko, Bukovina State Medical University

Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi

О. M. Korovenkova, Bukovina State Medical University

Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi

А. О. Palamar, Bukovina State Medical University

Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi

N. S. Bogdan, Bukovina State Medical University

Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi

О. О. Rovinskyi, Bukovina State Medical University

Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi

V. H. Zeleniuk, Bukovina State Medical University

Bukovina State Medical University, Chernivtsi

O. S. Shpychak, National University of Pharmacy

National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv


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How to Cite

Goroshko О. М., Korovenkova О. M., Palamar А. О., Bogdan, N. S., Rovinskyi О. О., Zeleniuk, V. H., & Shpychak, O. S. (2017). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE FIRST-YEAR PHARMACY STUDENTS’ TRAINING IN UKRAINE AND GERMANY. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4), 123–128.



Pharmaceutical education