



medicinal herbs, herbal medicinal products, standardization, quality, quality assurance.


The aim of the work. to analyze the current state of quality assurance of herbal medicines, identify problems that require investigation and development, and describe ways for their solution.

Materials and Methods. Medicinal herbs and herbal medicinal products; systematic approach, information search, statistical methods, generalization, and analysis.

Results and Discussion. The modern world approaches to ensuring the quality of herbal medicines are compared with the situation in Ukraine. The key factors are the quality assurance of medicinal plants using their standardization and compliance with good manufacturing practices at all stages of production. A diagram was constructed to illustrate the relationship between, one the one hand, the factors of safety and quality, and, on the other hand, measures for quality control and phases of phases of herbal medicine production.

Conclusions. The major problems of regulation of herbal medicines are as follows: the creation of a unifi ed classifi cation of products containing medicinal herbs; standardization of raw materials, including development of new research methods and providing there certain APIs concentrations; lack of consistent approaches to establishing a system of quality assurance of herbal medicines that should cover all elements, affecting the quality, efficiency and safety.

Author Biographies

O. P. Baula, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design 

T. M. Derkach, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design 


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How to Cite

Baula, O. P., & Derkach, T. M. (2017). QUALITY ASSURANCE OF HERBAL MEDICINAL PRODUCTS: STATUS AND PROSPECTS. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (2), 79–86. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2017.2.7816



Analysis of drugs