
  • A. M. Rudnik National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv




family Salicaceae, genus Populus, buds, macroelements, microelements.



Family poplar (Populus) from willow family (Salicaceae) in the world flora represented by 40 species and countless hybrids, both natural and artificial origin.

Balsam poplars buds contain significant amounts of phenolic compounds (flavonoids: pinostrobin, pinobaksin, chryzin, galangin, apigenin; phenolic glycosides: salicin, populin, salikortyn; hydroxycinnamic acid (ferulic, cinnamomic, chlorogenic, n-coumarinic; tannins), essential oil from 0.37 to 4%, the basic components of which are bicyclic seskviterpenoids, organic acids, polysaccharides and others [1] and they are an perspective raw material for new antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs.

Earlier, the author informed about the features of the elemental composition of buds, bark and leaves of Chinese poplar (Populus simonii Carr.) [2].

The goal was to study the composicion and content of elements in five types of balsam poplars buds, which are cultivated inUkraine, to determine the characteristics of storage elements in different species and assessment of technogenic pollution of raw materials.

Materials and methods

Object of the study were five types of balsam poplar buds: P. balsamifera L., P. laurifolia L., P. trichocarpa Torr. Gray., P. suaveolens Fisch., P. × berolinensis Dipp.

Raw materials for research harvested from trees growing on theBotanical gardenofKharkiv NationalUniversity. Collected buds from young sprig, in April 2013, not distributing on vegetative and generative. Samples dried on air shady way for 2 weeks.

A sample of raw pretreated by sulfuric acid charring in a muffle furnace.

The study of the elemental composition of poplar buds performed in "Institute for Single Crystals" NAS of Ukraine, using the method of atomic emission spektrography of photographic recording device for DFS-8.

Results and discussion

According reduction of elements in samples of raw material can set the following number: K <Ca <Mg <Si <P <Na <Al <Fe <Zn <Mn <Cu <Sr <Ni <Pb <Mo.Among macro elements dominated by content K content ranges from 925 to 1190 mg / 100g, Ca (530 - 655 mg / 100g), Mg (200 - 245 mg /100 g); of trace elements - Si (90 - 110 mg /100 g), Al (11,4 - 16,5 mg / 100g), Fe (7,6 - 12,0 mg /100 g).

The content of man-made elements such as Mo, Co, Pb - less than 0.03 mg /100 g, As, Cd, Hg - less than 0.01 mg /100 g. Content of all man-made elements is within the requirements of Ukrainian Pharmacopea. The highest content of all elements observed in Populus trichocarpa buds.

It should be noted, that the content of silicon (the main element of sand) was not high, although balsamic poplar buds are covered with sticky balm.


By the method atomic-emission spectrography with photographic registration the content of 19 elements in the buds of five view of balsam poplars, which are cultivated inUkraine, was determine.

The content of K (925 - 1190 mg / 100 g ), Ca (530 - 655 mg / 100g) , Mg (200 - 245 mg / 100 g ) in the buds of all view is dominate. The highest content of elements defined in the Populus trichocarpa buds.

Author Biography

A. M. Rudnik, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv

PhD, associated professor of Pharmacognosy department in National University of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Rudnik, A. M. (2017). ELEMENTARY CONSITUENS OF BALSAMIC POPLARS BUDS CULTIVATED IN UKRAINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4), 62–64. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2016.4.7124



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