
  • I. O. Fedyak Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • I. I. Ivanyulyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University




marketing analysis, monthly monitoring of the market, acyclovir medicines, other antiviral medicines, childish viral infection.



Analysis of domestic and foreign clinical protocols for treatment of childhood viral infections found that the choice drugs for treating patients with these ailments in case of medium and severe forms are antiviral drugs. Therefore, the aim of this work was the data interpretation of dynamic marketing analysis of medicinal remedies recommended for the treatment of patients with childhood viral infections.

Researching methods:

marketing analysis, conducted by method of every month monitoring of assortment, average wholesale prices, accessibility indicators (liquidity ratios and the solvency of the population) of drug acyclovir (J05AB01), other antiviral agents (Ј05АХ): inosine pranobex (Ј05АХ05) and others (amyzon, proteflazid, flavedo, Ј05АХ10) according to the resource "Software "Pharmacy" (http://pharmbase.com.ua/) for the period 01.01.2013 – 01.07.2016.

The main material of the research

Analysis of the presence in the domestic pharmaceutical wholesale market (PM) drugs with the active substance acyclovir in solid and injectable dosage forms (DF) can be attributed to the drugs with a stable demand, of which the particle of domestic drug is 43.5%, imported 56.5%. Among the countries-suppliers of acyclovir in the lead ofCyprus(31%); at the 2nd place by the highest amount of deugs –Slovenia(23 %). Three countries (UK,Germany,Poland) supplied on pharmaceutical market 2 drugs of acyclovir, which amounted to 15.4 %. Domestic drugs of acyclovir for 4 years of monitoring is stabil supplied 6 manufacturers: PAI "Kyivmedpreparat" (40 %), PAI Biofarma (20 %), AI "Lekhim-Kharkov" (10 %), ILR "Astrafarm" (10%), PAI "Farmak" (10 %), PAI "PP "Darnitsa" (10 %). Among the analyzed drugs dominated was tablets (65%) over the powder for solution preparation for infusions (35 %).

The average values of the liquidity coefficient (Cliq) for the import drugs tablets of acyclovir in a dosage of 200 mg № 25 indicates about absence of correctness in relation to the solvency of Ukrainian citizens. At the same time, the domestic market of tablets analogs acyclovir has better characteristic accessible of average value of Cliq, which was in the range from 0.1 to 0.50. Dynamics of values of Ca.s. for preparations of acyclovir was found that the growth rate of prices in the first half of the monitoring exceeded the growth rate of the average wage in Ukraine, which stabile increased, which in turn, caused the growth of Ca.s. and pointed out the deterioration of the availability of drugs for citizens. However, at the end of the observation availability of drugs increased.

In the State register of medicines ofUkraineregistered a 5 drugs of amyzon (Ј05АХ11), which differ in the dosage, amounts of units on 1 package, by dosage form. Under the brand name "Amizon" active substance enisamium iodide produces PAI "Pharmak" (Kiev).


1. It is established that the drugs with the antiviral action acyclovir, inosine pranobex and other antiviral drugs (amyzon, proteflazid, flavoside) is stable and mostly full of the amount of registered representatives are represented in the wholesale segment of the domestic pharmaceutical market.

2. The wholesale price of the researched drugs was lowest at the beginning of monitoring in January 2013, than has grown every month with different rate of growth, at the same time for the most of the drugs was characterized by 3 peaks of price: in October–November 2014 and 2015, March–April 2016. However not been fix a direct relation between the dynamics of wholesale prices of drugs and the dynamics of the hryvnia against the dollar, as the wholesale price of both domestic and imported researched drugs grew every month in 2013 year official the stability of the hryvnia, and also peak of drugs prices, as a rule, ahead of the peaks rise in foreign currency. The most unpredictable behaved branded drug acyclovir Zovirax tablets 200 mg № 25 (GSKExport,UK), the price of which by the end of observation was lower than at the beginning.

3. During the instability of the financial-economic situation on the domestic market of goods in general and drugs particularly to improve the reliability of the results of the market analysis justified is to use the monthly monitoring method.

Author Biographies

I. O. Fedyak, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University


I. I. Ivanyulyk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



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How to Cite

Fedyak, I. O., & Ivanyulyk, I. I. (2017). DYNAMIC MARKETING ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL MARKET OF ANTIVIRAL MEDICINES J05AB01, J05АХ05, J05АХ10. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4), 24–32. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2016.4.7117



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics