adaptation, extensive information training, intensive fundamental training.Abstract
The aim of the work – the development of methods for improvement of the English speaking students’ educational activities.
The main body. Discipline “Human anatomy” belongs to the first year subjects studied by foreign students. The success of the training activities depends on the level of adaptation of foreign students to their new educational environment. The peculiarity of teaching basic medical subjects “Human anatomy” is necessary to optimize the process of teaching, by developing standards of controling forms and providing consultation for the students, such as, the transformation from extensive information to intensive fundamental training. This transformation demands fundamental changes to the educational process, restructuring the relationship between the teachers and the students. It is necessary to use the test tasks, development and improvement practical skills through demonstrations of organs and their structure on moulage.
Conclusion. Thus, student’s educational process at the stage of studying of basic “Human anatomy” has to be focused on implementation of new methods and innovative technologies in the educational process, which creates the conditions for formation of professional competence of future doctors.
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