higher medical education, methods and forms of education, interactive teaching methods, professional competencesAbstract
Changing the paradigm of higher medical education from subject-centered to student-centered, with a focus on the final competencies of the latter, stimulates the search for new approaches to improving educational methods and forms in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. Domestic and foreign experience in the organization of higher medical education among the trends of the most common and effective interactive teaching methods is focused on work in small groups, using at the same time forms of teaching: brainstorming, project method, case method, simulation and role-playing games – formation of models of professional communication behavior according to a certain situation. It is these new approaches in education that contribute to the transformation of students theoretical knowledge into the practical plane of acquiring professional competences. The article summarizes and presents the own experience of implementing modern forms of education in medical education with the aim of their popularization and wider introduction into the educational process of domestic institutions, emphasis is placed on the role of continuous professional development of education providers.
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