


essay, creativity, andragogy, development, personology, personality, adult education


Abstract. The article analyzes the possibilities of using essays for the development of students’ creative abilities. The advantages of an interdisciplinary approach to mental education, the peculiarities of improving speech culture, and the patterns of integral thinking of young people are characterized. Based on the analysis of the works of educators, philologists, philosophers, the peculiarities of using essay writing in the educational process are considered. Special attention is paid to the definition of the main concepts, structure, features of the text. The importance of creative tasks in the context of the development of pedagogical science and practice is outlined. The features of written and oral essays, methods of improving students’ independent work, and the use of “early scientific start” are analyzed. The system of creative tasks is considered, taking into account the peculiarities of professional training. The peculiarities of studying the Ukrainian language by professional direction in   higher educational institutions in the medical direction are characterized. The possibilities of using essays for the development of personal qualities of students are analyzed. The prospects for improving higher school didactics in the conditions of modern challenges, the prospects for comparative studies are outlined. Certain aspects of the development of future doctors thinking are substantiated. Emphasis is placed on issues of anamnesis and iatrogeny. Prospects for further research have been determined.


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How to Cite

Vykhrushch, A. V. (2023). ESSAYS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ CREATIVE ABILITIES. Medical Education, (4), 117–126.

