mediator competence, social workers, training content, interdisciplinary approach, conflict resolutionAbstract
Abstract. A high level of conflictogenic potential in the context of world globalization is one of the characteristic features of modern society, which is very threatening fact. The article analyzes mediator competencethat combines professional knowledge, skills, qualification of the mediator, experience in mediation etc., which would allow making certain objective judgments and correct decisions for conflict resolution and satisfy expectations of the conflict parties. It was found that when training specialists, especially social workers, for the role of a mediator, one should take into account the goal, tasks, principles of mediation. It is necessary to form and advance their knowledge, skills and abilities related to mediation for them tobe able to provide social and legal protection of peoplebasing on an interdisciplinary approach in the field of conflictology, law, psychology, jurisprudence and personal characteristics and experience.
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