scientific research, nursing, evidence-based medicineAbstract
Abstract. The challenges faced by practical nursing today make it increasingly necessary to introduce the foundations of evidence-based medicine into nursing science and practice. The article analyzes the data of native and world literature on the possible prospects for scientific nursing research in the context of evidence-based medicine in general and evidence-based nursing in particular. Based on the analyzed data, it was confirmed that nursing research is a promising and necessary element of understanding, critical evaluation and reasoned implementation of the results of the latest scientific research in nursing practice. The scientific basis for conducting nursing research is evidence-based medicine and evidence-based nursing. The activities summarize the experience of developing research skills among nurses and training nurse scientists who are capable to carry out scientific research, critically analyze scientific literature, successfully implement the results obtained in everyday nursing practice, and share their knowledge and skills with colleagues, same time acting as a mentor at the place of professional practice.
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