competences, research-informed teaching, potential risksAbstract
Abstract. In modern education, gaps are remained in a clear understanding of the processes of interaction between research and teaching and their impact on the effectiveness of training medical personnel. The research-intensive nature of the institutions is known to create a special ideal educational environment for students, help them develop the skills needed for a wide range of careers, encourage research in clinical practice, and promote continuing medical education and professional development in the future. Our goal was to investigate the use of different categories of research-informed learning in the teaching of the subject “Social Medicine, Public Health”. This educational component, on the one hand, teaches how to conduct research, on the other hand, it is itself a subject of study, because the health care system and public health are in a long period of reform and changes. It has been researched that in the process of teaching various methods of research learning are combined, but they are primarily focused on the teacher: the study of current topics on the example of scientific research results (research-led) and the study and evaluation of various research methods (research-oriented). Student-oriented methods should be developed: teaching based on the applicants’ own case studies (research-based) and engaging students in scientific discussions (research-tutored). A full-fledged extracurricular form of training students, in particular, the formation of their research competence is the student scientific society. The interest of students in the systematic study of the educational process itself in the institution, in particular, its features during the period of epidemiological restrictions, was noticed.
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