



ophthalmology, distance education, education platforms, education programmes


The challenges the teachers of higher medical educational establishments have faced owing to harsh current situation and unavailability of traditional training compel to speed up the process of educational digitalization in Ukraine, our foreign colleagues outpacing us in this aspect by several steps. The information base they have collected and numerous methods adapted to on-line education, as well as various programmes and applications used as an auxiliary tool for providing and perceiving information, appear to be a good example for Ukrainian teaching community. Therefore, the access to world-known medical educational resources is essential for us. Alongside with developing our digital literacy due to learning from colleagues’ experience, it contributes to improving the quality of distance education, imposed by circumstances. Traditional methods of teaching having a need for improvement owing to unavailability of full-time training, we have made use of this opportunity to upgrade the methods of distance learning in ophthalmology at I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University. This paper contains the examples of the use of innovation medical on-line resources and applications. In addition, the opportunities some educational programmes and applications provide to make up for the lack of face-to-face teacher-students and students-patients communication are explained. Prior to introduction into the system of medical education, these programmes, applications, and resources require studying and testing in practice from the perspective of improving distance learning efficacy, thus making further research in this field promising and essential.


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How to Cite

Aleksevych, K. O. (2022). EXPERIENCE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY DISTANCE TEACHING USING ONLINE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES IN CONDITIONS OF PANDEMIC AND MARTIAL LAW . Medical Education, (2), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2022.2.13264

