


professional communicative culture, formation of professional communicative culture, criteria, indicators, levels of formation, future physicians


The article is devoted to the issue of diagnosing the level of formation of the professional communicative culture of future physicians. The description of the criteria, indicators, and levels of formation of the professional communicative culture of future physicians determined in the course of the study, is presented on the basis of the integration of pedagogical, psychological, and linguistic studies. A brief substantiation and characteristics of certain criteria (motivational, cognitive, personal value, and practical performance) and their indicators are given. The levels of formation of the professional communicative culture of future physicians were defined: high, medium, low.

The formation of the motivational criterion is the starting point for the existence of the professional communicative culture of the future specialist since this phenomenon cannot arise outside the student motivation. Motivation for choosing a profession determines the choice of professional ideals, the formation of professional plans, self-analysis, self-esteem, and the personal exactingness towards himself/herself. It acts as the leading motive of education, stimulating the cognitive activity of students.

The cognitive criterion reflects the level of mastering the knowledge necessary for successful professional communication, which forms the theoretical basis of communication, serves as the basis for the development of practical communication skills.

The personal value criterion was determined on the basis of the formation of values that determine the value attitude of the person to the chosen profession, the presence of universal values and values of professional self-realization, testify to the understanding of the readiness to identify personal initiative and further professional growth.

The practical performance criterion determines the communicative culture of the future specialist. The level of professional skills is not only the practical embodiment of theoretical general cultural and professional knowledge but also their productive application in cognitive activity and the implementation of interpersonal and professional interaction at a high level of professional culture.

Author Biographies

І. І. Vorona, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-4691-2016

O. D. Kolodnytska, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-5936-2016


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How to Cite

Vorona І. І., & Kolodnytska, O. D. (2022). CRITERIA AND LEVELS OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE. Medical Education, (4), 128–135.

