“Krok 1. General Medical Training”, “Krok 2. General Medical Training”, fundamental disciplines, professionally-oriented disciplinesAbstract
Factors, which affect the success in licensed integrated exams “Krok 1. General Medical Training” and “Krok 2. General Medical Training” in recipients of the medical faculty No.1 of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, who entered the higher educational establishment in 2013 have been indicated. It has been established, that the percent of progress in ZNO depended on 3 subjects. It has been demonstrated the success in such three educational components as Pathological Anatomy, Pathological Physiology, Pharmacology, which were presented in “Krok 2. General Medical Training”. In this context, other fundamental disciplines, which contain the exam “Krok 1” had less importance for progress in “Krok 2”. It demonstrates that to acquire knowledge of professionally-oriented disciplines, the knowledge level of the fundamental disciplines is really significant, especially, the appropriate level of Pathological Physiology, Pathological Anatomy and Pharmacology is needed. Among professionally-oriented disciplines, which include the structure of “Krok 2”, therapeutic profile counted significant number of correlations, which strongly associated with all subjects that are presented in “Krok 2” as well as Pathological Anatomy, Pathological Physiology, Pharmacology. Surgical profile possibly associated with Gynecology and Obstetrics, and also Pediatric profile. As a consequence, Hygiene and Public Health Organization did not create any strong correlation relationships with subjects that include the structure of “Krok 1”. The level of professionally-oriented disciplines mastery depends on each other, besides Hygiene and Public Health Organization.
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