


pedagogical competence, doctor, interpersonal interactions, education, SPIKES Model


The relevance of the use of the pedagogical competencies in the clinical practice of the doctor is emphasized. The normative documents regulating the use of pedagogy in the practice of a doctor are listed and the views of such scientists as L. Stolyarenko, I. Zyazyun, K. Levitan, A. Markov and S. I. Kulikov on the essence of the concept of “pedagogical and medical competence” are given.

It is said that the essence of pedagogical competence of medical workers is dictated by the peculiarities of their professional activity, according to which treatment and prevention activity involves medical reflection, i. e. mandatory awareness of its meaning, content, means and methods of implementation, and relies on personal values; pedagogical activity of a medical worker is aimed at designing the educational process and involves pedagogical reflection, i. e. mandatory awareness of all parameters and factors of success of this activity. The process of education with the help of pedagogical techniques in the clinical practice of the doctor is carried out taking into account the social conditions that provide opportunities for the implementation of certain social and individual values of the patient. In particular, it is necessary to eliminate competition between professional activities, family conditions and other social spheres of life with self-preservation and health.

It is concluded that the main types and directions of pedagogical activity of the doctor can be methodical activity on acquaintance of patients of different age, nationality, social or economic status with principles and rules of the organization of a healthy way of life; practical activities for the education and training of patients in behavior that prevents recurrence of the disease; scientific and pedagogical research activity; as well as methodological activities for the training of secondary and junior medical staff. The general direction of pedagogical activity of the doctor can be characterized as formation and development of an individual basis for restoration and preservation of health in patients.

Author Biographies

І. О. Marazha, Dnipro Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-Traditional Medicine

ResearcherID AAN-8670-2021

I. V. Zhulkevych, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID U-7578-2019
Scopus Author ID 7801466677


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How to Cite

Marazha . І. О., & Zhulkevych, I. V. (2021). THE ROLE OF PEDAGOGY IN THE CLINICAL PRACTICE OF THE DOCTOR. Medical Education, (2), 94–99.

