
  • N. І. Voloshchuk M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • O. M. Denysiuk M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • O. S. Pashynska M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • L. I. Marynych M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University



medical education, simulation training, practical skills, pharmacology teaching


Nowadays simulation technologies are being actively implemented in the educational process of Ukrainian higher educational establishments both for students’ education and for the assessment of their professional skills. In addition, simulation-based training can be a way of protecting healthcare professionals and patients from unnecessary risks and medical errors due to their lack of physician experience. But unfortunately, compared to other countries, ours is taking the first steps in this area, especially in the teaching of fundamental disciplines. This process requires new approaches to the teaching process for teachers and students. The purpose of our study was to substantiate methodological approaches to the effectiveness increase of pharmacology studies by third-year medical students via the introduction of simulating teaching methods. In preparation for the study content analysis using modern medical and scientific-pedagogical Internet sources, biblio-semantic, as well as analysis of final products of activity were used.

So, the Department of Pharmacology of M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University developed a simulation situation on the topic “Anaphylactic shock. Pharmacological therapy” which is used in the educational process. The teachers and students noted out a high level of effectiveness of simultaneous mastering of theoretical material and practical skills in simulator-dummies. An important point in this methodological approach is to form the basis for clinical thinking development. Educational simulation can be considered as an important component of preparation for an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE).

Thus, using imitation technologies allows acquiring professional practical skills at a higher level than just theoretical, and helps to bring training in theoretical departments to practical medicine, allows transferring the acquired competencies to real clinical activity.


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How to Cite

Voloshchuk N. І., Denysiuk, O. M., Pashynska, O. S., & Marynych, L. I. (2020). SIMULATION TRAINING AS A METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO TRAINING STUDENTS IN PHARMACOLOGY STUDYING. Medical Education, (3), 74–78.

