
  • N. P. Kovalenko Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava
  • N. O. Bobrova Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava
  • O. V. Hancho Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava
  • S. V. Zachepylo Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava



motivation, educational activity, medical faculties students, professional development, interest in the subject


In the conditions of modern transformations in Ukrainian education, the motivation of students’ educational activity is one of the priority problems. The relevance of the research topic is conditioned by the task of further improving the quality of students’ education in the modern society, constant updating of the content of education, setting the tasks of forming the need for students to gain knowledge and develop an active life position.

The aim of the work was to study the motivational sphere of the 2nd and 3rd terms medical faculty students of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy from the point of view of basic motives for successful professional development formation.

The effectiveness of the educational process is directly related to the motivation and incentive to master the future profession. The main factor that influences students’ motivation for learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills that will further form the basis of professional activity. Improvement of the educational activity motivation is facilitated by: a way of educational material mastering, its content, methods of teaching; use of problem motivations and tasks at each stage of training; application of interactive technologies.

Our analysis showed that among the 2nd and 3rd terms medical faculty students of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy professional motives of study are prevailed. Students with a higher grade point average do not identify a discipline profile as an intrinsic motive for study, with a decline in grade point average this motive begins to prevail among medical students.

Thus, learning is more effective when it is motivated, when students’ activities coincide with orientation and intrinsic motives. As a result, professional training of a graduate of the universities is successful.


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How to Cite

Kovalenko, N. P., Bobrova, N. O., Hancho, O. V., & Zachepylo, S. V. (2020). STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION AS A PROMISE OF SUCCESSFUL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Medical Education, (3), 43–48.

