communication, medical student, university, foreign language professional communicative competence, medical communication, foreign languageAbstract
The relevance of the topic is due to the entry of the world community into the era of information civilization, acceleration and intensification of information processes, improvement of communication means, which entails the need to overcome communication barriers, which are foreign languages. The current stage of society development requires medical specialists to speak a foreign language as a means of communication to solve professional and social problems, and to successfully cooperate internationally. The theory and practice of modern education require the development of employees’ communication skills. In order to effectively interact in science and practice, in the field of interpersonal relations, a medical specialist needs to have communicative qualities that represent an integrative connection of value orientations, moral positions and aspirations, knowledge, skills, and professional medical ethics. Mastering a foreign language requires a certain orientation of the student’s personality at a medical university and the formation of cognitive activity. The value orientations act as an energizer of this orientation of the medical students. The formation of value orientations for learning a foreign language is necessary from the first day of training at a medical university. In contrast to speech activity, communication activity involves not only the ability to express thoughts in a foreign language, but also a certain communicative behavior of the doctor. The communicative orientation of training should be an interactive learning goal that focuses on achieving foreign-language medical professional communicative competence in the unity of all communication functions: cognitive, regulatory, value-oriented, label, pragmatic. The aim and tasks of the research are a need to clarify the essence of communication, the ratio of communication and types of communication, determining the location of foreign speech as a means of medical communication.
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