pedagogical communication, lecturer, barriers of communication, lecturer – student systemAbstract
The article adduces the main psychological barriers in communication between a lecturer and a student. On the basis of literature data, the reasons of the barriers of pedagogical communication occurrence, their characteristic features and possible ways of solving the described problems have been considered. The main idea of the article is that a professional lecturer combines not only knowledge of a particular subject, but also pedagogical skills, that is, the ability to get in touch with a student, to interest him/her, to raise the necessary qualities, to transform a student from the object of study into the subject. It depends a lot on the lecturer’s personal abilities and his/her pedagogical intuition. But even having the teaching talent, it is necessary to continuously improve personal pedagogical skills.
Productive communication in the lecturer-student system takes place only if the pedagogical process is organized on a democratic basis, the lecturer’s positive attitude towards students, and enthusiasm for the joint creative activity. Therefore, organizing interaction with students in practical classes, lecturers should use the most productive interactive teaching methods, increase the interest of medical students in the disciplines they study, and increase the motivation of students to study.
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