
  • V. T. Rudnyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



interns, practical skills, independent medical activities


The aim of the work – to identify the ways of improving the level of education and the impact of independent medical activities during the training of interns in the system of higher medical education.

The main body. The article deals with the issues of improving the training of interns in the field of Internal Diseases. The importance of independent medical activity in forming internship of professional qualities, clinical and scientific thinking, ability to substantiate and formulate the previous diagnosis, determine the direction of diagnostic search, conduct differential diagnosis and formulate the final diagnosis, prescribe treatment and rehabilitation program. Collective work during clinical analysis of patients contributes to the formation of the necessary moral and ethical qualities and deontological norms of behavior of future doctors.

Conclusions. Increasing the time of individual work with the patient will allow interns to improve practical skills, which are defined as the ability of a specialist to operate the system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in solving professional tasks. Independent work allows us to analyze the quality of medical care, develops clinical thinking, provides an understanding of the importance of their independent work and responsibility for patients.


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How to Cite

Rudnyk, V. T. (2019). INDEPENDENT MEDICAL ACTIVITY IN THE TRAINING OF INTERNS. Medical Education, (1), 37–40.



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