
  • T. M. Muratova Odesa National Medical University
  • O. M. Lebid Odesa National Medical University
  • D. M. Khramtsov Odesa National Medical University
  • S. M. Oliinyk Odesa National Medical University
  • Yu. M. Vorokhta Odesa National Medical University
  • I. G. Chemeresyuk Odesa National Medical University
  • O. I. Varbanets Odesa National Medical University



postgraduate education, information technologies, neurology


The aim of the work – to assess the prospects for the use of modern information technologies in internship in the field of Neurology.

The main body. An analysis of the application of information technologies in the teaching of professional disciplines to interns, specializing in Neurology is conducted. The main forms are programmed control tools, electronic textbooks, teleconferencing, multimedia simulation technologies, electronic educational materials distribution, electronic medical records templates for patients’ management and the use of electronic repositories. BODY INTERACT ™ technology provides the opportunity to integrate into the process of learning the latest advances in medicine and information technology, developing learning concepts and sharing experiences through real clinical situations, creating a foundation for the culture of open communication and collaboration. Academic success of interns during the monitoring period on interim controls corresponded to the median 4 (3; 4), in the final – 4 (3; 5). The results of the survey showed an increase in the interest of interns in the use of information technology in the teaching of professional disciplines. At the Department of Neurology of the Odesa National Medical University, at all stages of the interns’ training, the means of programmed control are actively used. The expediency of regular review of educational programs for the training of interns in the specialty of Neurology is shown considering the possibilities of modern information technologies.

Conclusion. Taking into account the priorities of interns training in the field of Neurology with the wide introduction of modern information technologies, it allows to improve theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to optimize the interaction in the format of multidisciplinary team with specialists of other specialties.


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How to Cite

Muratova, T. M., Lebid, O. M., Khramtsov, D. M., Oliinyk, S. M., Vorokhta, Y. M., Chemeresyuk, I. G., & Varbanets, O. I. (2019). EDUCATION IN INTERNSHIP ON NEUROLOGY: MODERN TECHNOLOGIES AND PROSPECTS FOR THEIR APPLICATION. Medical Education, (1), 22–26.



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