
  • L. I. Khlamanova O. Bohomolets National Medical University
  • Yu. B. Chaikovsky O. Bohomolets National Medical University



problem based learning (PBL), basic medical–biological sciences, medical education


The aim of the study – analysis of the literature on the method of problem-based learning (PBL – Problem Based Learning), its implementation in medical education.

 The main body. The article outlines the advantages and disadvantages of educational technology: it contributes to the emergence of active learning skills that are important for the ongoing process of postgraduate education; teaches solve clinical situations. But students who have studied the method of PBL sometimes had lower rates exams in basic sciences for medical education than those who studied the traditional method. Since PBL learning model is very important mastering fundamental biological disciplines, we offer pre-clinical departments to apply active methods of teaching basic knowledge by integrating them horizontally and vertically practice of interdisciplinary studies PBL scenario. Conducting such studies will help to extend the effectiveness of PBL learning model for teaching morphological sciences and physiology and consolidate the basic knowledge of students’ clinical departments and doctors during postgraduate education.

Conclusion. The advantages of the PBL and the features of some ways of the possible introduction of this innovative technology in postgraduate and postgraduate studies are aimed at improving the quality of medical education and are consistent with the logical and content model of standards for the training of medical professionals capable of continuous professional development.


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How to Cite

Khlamanova, L. I., & Chaikovsky, Y. B. (2019). PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING IN HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION. Medical Education, (1), 41–47.



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