
  • V. I. Shulyak



meningitis, adaptable immunodefence, genes, immunodeficiency.


The aim of the work – to analyze and generalize contemporary notions about the influence of genetic factors on the mechanisms of disorders of the central nervous system in patients with meningitis.

Causative agents of the meningitis (M) possess various antigenic determinants which cause the polyclonal immune answer in an organism with involvement factors of the natural and adaptable system of immunodefence (ASI). Last years, near to earlier studied cause-and-effect relations of various implications of reactions of ASI on causative agents of the M, studying of genetical factors, which define ASI’s functional state has got an urgency. As have shown researches, genesis of the M as multifactorial disease, depends of the interaction between a genotype of the patient and inductors of external environment, which are reacting independently. Antigen recognition with specific lymphocytes occupies the responsible place among ASI’s functions. Genetical changes in this area of the immune answer can provoke augmentation of susceptibility to M, serious clinical course and a unfavorable outcome of disease. Damage of the gene apparatus, which expresses factors of the cellular part of ASI, usually associates with infection contaminations which cause micobacteria, protozoa, pathogenic fungi, viruses and opportunistic bacteria. Deficiency of antibodies mainly associates with the infection contaminations, caused gramme-positive bacteria. Participants of specific recognition of antigens are also moleculas of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). The tubercular M was characterised by significant ascending of antigen HLA-DR3. Patients with purulent M had largely antigen HLA-B12. At patients with serous M was defined increase of level of antigen HLA-A19. Along with maintenance of control of a susceptibility to an infection contamination, ASI’s factors can be responsible for damage of own tissues of an organism.

Conclusions. For a correct assessment of a susceptibility to M, severity of a state of the patient and the forecast of an outcome of M as multifactorial disease, the evaluation survey of an interrelation of primary immunodeficiences, which depend on a concrete genes mutation, and secondary immunodeficiences, which depend on the etiological factor of disease, is necessary. Possible, this ratio will be useful for the development of genetical methods of correction in the treatment sick of a meningitis.


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How to Cite

Shulyak, V. I. (2017). GENETICAL CONTROL OF IMMUNE SYSTEM OF PATIENTS WITH MENINGITIS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (4), 62–70.



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