
  • M. D. Chemych
  • N. I. Ilyina
  • V. V. Ilyina
  • N. H. Malysh
  • V. I. Bolotin
  • O. V. Obukhovska
  • T. I. Fotina
  • H. A. Fotina



brucellosis, epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis.


The aim of the study – to analyze the epidemiological features of brucellosis, prevalence, morbidity of the population, clinical course, diagnostics in nowadays in Ukraine and other countries on the basis of actual li­terature data.

Results. The research was carried out and the data on the morbidity of brucellosis of farm animals and humans in Ukraine and other countries were presented. The increase in the incidence of brucellosis in the population is due to the epizootic process in private farms as a consequence of the weakening of veterinary control. In Ukraine, for almost 25 years, brucellosis of farm animals is not recorded. Among individuals, isolated cases of brucellosis have been confirmed. The epidemiology of ailments has been changed under the influence of mo­dern socio-economic factors and migration processes, as well as the discovery of new species of brucellosis and their natural reservoirs. The formation of disease cells in areas previously free of brucellosis, as a result of transboundary infection.


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How to Cite

Chemych, M. D., Ilyina, N. I., Ilyina, V. V., Malysh, N. H., Bolotin, V. I., Obukhovska, O. V., … Fotina, H. A. (2017). BRUCELLOSIS IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (4), 55–61.



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