
  • L. V. Pypa M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • M. M. Murhina M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University



sepsis, genetic predisposition, diagnostics, children.


The aim of the work to summarize the present-day viewpoint on the diagnosis of sepsis and the discovery of genetic predictors of sepsis in children.

In the article an analytical review of literature is conducted concerning modern views on pathogenesis, genetic features and diagnostic markers of development of purulent-septic conditions in children. The second part of the article details the state of the study of genetic predictors of sepsis development, and the possibility of their use to identify risk groups among children in the general population. The place and significance of a number of most used biomarkers for early diagnosis of sepsis, which may correspond to the concept of SMART, is considered. Advantages and disadvantages of each of the presented markers are discussed. Data on the possibility of using the most advanced marker – presepsin, its benefits over procalcitonin and C-reactive protein is presented.

Conclusions. The study of the polymorphism of the genes of the cytokine molecules will allow the contingent of children who have a tendency to develop the septic process. The use of the most sensitive and specific biomarkers for the diagnosis of sepsis will allow timely initiation of therapy in full, which will improve the results of treatment.


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How to Cite

Pypa, L. V., & Murhina, M. M. (2017). MODERN UNDERSTANDING OF THE PATHOGENESIS AND DIAGNOSIS OF SEPTIC CONDITIONS IN CHILDREN (PART IІ). Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (3), 73–80.



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