
  • V. I. Shulyak



meningitis, central nervous system, synapse, neurotransmission.


The aim of the work – to analyze and generalize contemporary notions about the influence of genetic factors on the mechanisms of disorders of the central nervous system in patients with meningitis.

Meningitis is an inflammatory process of the central nervous system (CNS), describable as an infectious disease with the serious clinical course. Despite effective methods of an intensive care, approximately 8-30 % of patients have the lethal outcome, and 50 % of the survived patients have long existing complications: a headache, alienations (an asthenia, fatigability, depression, phobias, differences of mood, dream disturbance, emotional instability, behaviour disorders), cognitive dysfunction, an epilepsy, impellent disturbances, surdity, disorders of the vision.

Conclusions. In patients with meningitis, violations of the regulatory function of the central nervous system caused by the inflammatory process against the backdrop of genetic peculiarities of interneuronal interactions were detected. These interactions are mainly made up of genetically dependent mechanisms for the exchange of energy and plastic materials and information on the nature and intensity of processes.


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How to Cite

Shulyak, V. I. (2017). GENETIC MAINTENANCE OF INTERNEURAL INTERACTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH MENINGITIS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (3), 59–72.



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