
  • A. P. Podavalenko Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • D. V. Kushch Regional Center for prevention and Control of AIDS
  • O. D. Petrovska Zaporizhzhia Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS Zaporizhzhia of Regional Council



human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), prevalence, transmission routes, social groups, quality of life.


The aim of the work – to assess the current epidemiological situation of HIV infection in regions of Ukraine by studying the manifestations of the epidemic process.

Materials and methods. The research was conducted in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions, which are distinguished by the quality of life and prevalence of HIV. The quality of life was estimated by the Human Development Index calculated by the Institute of Demography and Social Studies by M.V. Ptukha of NAS of Ukraine. Analysis of the manifestations of the epidemic process was carried out using descriptive, evaluative and analytical receptions of epidemiological research methods.

Results and discussion. An increase in the prevalence of HIV infection by 2.6-2.7 times was observed during the period from 2005 till 2015 in the regions of research. In Kharkiv region perennial prevalence and incidence of HIV infection were by 1.9-1.5 times lower, and the death rate from AIDS was threefold lower than in  Zaporizhzhia region. The difference between the regions in parameters of prevalence, incidence of HIV-infections and mortality associated with the effect of negative social factors (an increase in asocial population groups, movement of people from the occupied territories, the presence of resort areas, drug traffic) in  Zaporizhzhia region and better indices of social environment and education in Kharkiv region.


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How to Cite

Podavalenko, A. P., Kushch, D. V., & Petrovska, O. D. (2017). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HIV INFECTION IN DIFFERENT REGIONS OF UKRAINE. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (3), 10–17.



Original investigations