
  • R. O. Kharytoniuk Central City Hospital, Rivne
  • N. H. Hoida P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • H. A. Martyniuk P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



infectious diseases, infectious assistance organization, functional organizational model contagious service.


The aim of the work – to offer the scientifically reasonable organizationally structural model of regional center of infectious diseases unlike existent separate structural subdivisions of infectious profile in the hospitals of different levels of medicare.

Conclusions. We have developed a concept of optimization of care for patients with infectious pathology served as one of the stages on the way to radical changes, the content of which is contained in draft legal documents to government agencies proposed for adoption at the national level. Scientifically grounded optimization contagious service and its model for region (Rivne region), in which the structural basis is existing items and resources (infectious disease clinic for adult infectious disease clinic for children and hepatological center), existing and partially modified (laboratory service, specialized physical separation) and new (advisory cabinet of infectious patients, organizational and methodical study, information and analytical department, educational and training room). An inalienable element must be an educational center for the increase of level of knowledge in the system of continuous professional development of not only doctors-infectiologists but also doctors of other specialities on infectious diseases questions. 


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How to Cite

Kharytoniuk, R. O., Hoida, N. H., & Martyniuk, H. A. (2017). THE CONCEPT OF OPTIMIZING HEALTH CARE INFECTIOUS PATIENTS AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (2), 53–58.



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