
  • Yu. I. Boyko Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»
  • V. D. Moskaliuk Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»
  • M. O. Andrushchak Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»
  • M. O. Sokolenko Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»
  • O. I. Holiar Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»



tropical malaria, malaria coma, renal failure.


The aim – to attract attention doctors to possibility of delivery cases of tropical malaria, that for diagnostics and treatment requires corresponding readiness of specialists.

Malaria continues to be a big problem in modern medicine. The total share of the incidence of malaria is 2.6 % of all diseases in the world. The prevalence of malaria depends on the social, natural and biological factors. Introduced cases of malaria with the tropics may occur in temperate climates at any time. A significant problem is the treatment of this disease because of the lack of antimalarial drugs in Ukraine.

Authors looked after the heavy form of early relapse of tropical malaria for a patient that arrived from Ghana, where before departure carried the fever of incomprehensible etiology. A disease became complicated by a malarial coma and acute kidney insufficiency. Complex therapy with the use of delagil and nosotropic facilities made off recovery.

Conclusions. At a tropical malaria, and especially to appearance of her relapses, there are heavy clinical motion and development of a few complications. Ukraine belongs to the countries with the insufficient provision of antipaludian preparations.

Author Biographies

Yu. I. Boyko, Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»

асистент, ВДНЗ України «Буковинський державний медичний університет»

V. D. Moskaliuk, Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»

д.мед.наук, професор, ВДНЗ України «Буковинський державний медичний університет»

M. O. Andrushchak, Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»

асистент, ВДНЗ України «Буковинський державний медичний університет»

M. O. Sokolenko, Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»

асистент, ВДНЗ України «Буковинський державний медичний університет»

O. I. Holiar, Higher State Educational Institution «Bukovynian State Medical University»

к.мед.н., доцент, ВДНЗ України «Буковинський державний медичний університет»


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How to Cite

Boyko, Y. I., Moskaliuk, V. D., Andrushchak, M. O., Sokolenko, M. O., & Holiar, O. I. (2017). CASE OF IMPORTED FALCIPARUM MALARIA IN BUKOVYNA. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (1), 76–79.


